Bella, I’ve been a devoted follower of your work for several years. I was in your FB group for awhile until you unceremoniously booted me out for critical comments about some of the members. My criticism focused on how some singletons simply want to remain alone, not just uncoupled. To me, being a singleton is a way to have more people in my life, not a way to avoid them. Not being in a dyad opens one to more relational possibilities, both platonic and romantic. I made this point a little too strongly and you dropped me from the group. I may rejoin and behave myself a little better :).
I have a question for you: You said in this post that members are not allowed to use your group to meet other singletons for romantic purposes. Why can’t a committed singleton want to have sex and romance in their life while remaining uncoupled? Many polyamorous people go solo (solo polyamory), that is, they commit to remaining single while exploring sexual and romantic connections. I just don’t see why the life of a singleton has to be loveless and sexless. Am I hearing you wrong?
Anyway, keep up the good work. You are transforming lives in a good way. I plan to buy your new book. Thanks.